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Da Vinci Causes Alarm among Medical Advocates

September 3 2013, 15:03pm

Robotics is a surgical procedure that has remarkably increased over the year in the United States. In the United States, there are about 400,000 surgeries that are performed by da Vinci, a million-dollar, multi-armed robot, says an online source. The surgeon, who is sitting at a console, operates the 3-D enhanced visualization and the wristed surgical instruments that made up the da Vinci robotic system. Advocates say patients sometimes, who have less bleeding, are often sent home sooner than with conventional laparoscopic surgeries and operations involving large incisions. However, health experts became worried about the potential risks associated with the machine.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has looked into the problems with regards to the robotic machine earlier this year. Inquiries were later asked by the FDA from the surgeons using robotic system. This scrutiny helps the FDA to determine whether the growing number of injuries reported is simply because more robotic surgeries are being done, or if they are being caused by the machine itself or by the surgeons, who, critics argue, may have been given inadequate training.

Intuitive Surgical is facing allegations that da Vinci causes liver and spleen punctures during heart surgery, rectal damage during a prostate operation, and a vaginal hernia after hysterectomy. Accidentals burns have occurred during surgery because of rhe robot’s searing instruments.


  • rockcenter.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/06/14/18958967-robotic-surgery-is-high-tech-tour-de-force-but-is-it-safe?lite
  • news.msn.com/science-technology/is-robotic-surgery-safe
  • huffingtonpost.com/2013/04/09/da-vinci-robot_n_3042258.html
  • newscientist.com/article/mg21729105.800-robosurgeon-da-vinci-faces-lawsuits.html#.UhPAIdKoFRw

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